Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Taking the road less traveled...

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
--Robert Frost

Song of the moment: Snowden- Anti-Anti

This has always been my favorite quotation by Robert Frost. Whats weird is that the meaning for me constantly changes, I am completely unsure what the road less traveled looks like. I always used to imagine a dense forest with this bumpy pathetic dirt path that diverged off the main path. When I got older that path became less bright, more scary like one of those horror movies that takes place in the woods and your just waiting for someone to jump out behind the bushes. When I was in love I thought the road to that person and overcoming the obstacles in that relationship were the road less traveled, because in involved work. I am starting to think now though that i cant really imagine what the road looks like, That the road appears as i travel it each day. The road less traveled is not about the path it's self anymore but rather the choices I make along the way. Its always nice to have a destination, but from what I have experienced following this road it is long, not always easy to continue, fun and exciting at times, and to top it all off you never end up where you planned or expected to be. Only now am I just starting to realize that this is ok.

For me the traveled road is all about risk management. It's about not putting myself out there too much. Its about giving up before I even began, Its about safety and security. However, this road never seems to get me to my goals in a timely manner. This is even more true when my goals fall outside of the security net the traveled road offers. While i may feel safe in this place I am not happy about where I am. While taking risks isn't for everyone, I think we live in an age where risk management has overtaken our ability to truly live, we feel we must be everything to everyone, have 2.5 kids, a house, a suitable job, and grow up immediately. This doesn't leave much time to take the road less traveled. While we may not find the house with the white picket fence at the end of this road, the journey we can take and the destination may be enough to justify not having everything you thought you ever wanted.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I took the road less traveled and it's scaring the crap out of me! I quit a cozy job to take a risky one, and ended up losing it three months later. The adventure I've been on the last several months has been stressful, but it certainly is better than my previous complacent job. Every day felt like Groudhog's Day—it was bor-ing! I'm worried about the future, but excited about the possibility of WHAT IF. But you're right, what if I get everything I THOUGHT I wanted, and then...I don't want it anymore? Now, that would suck! Oh well, I suppose it will all work out how it's supposed to.
